Shahnaz Radjy

S. M. Radjy's debut novel "Flight of an Orphan Thief"

My debut young adult fantasy novel is out! Find out more about “Flight of an Orphan Thief” or order it on Amazon (ebook or paperback)

Here, I share reflections on my writing journey, life, and some of my published work – all peppered with a taste of my life in rural Portugal. Welcome!

My Work

You can read some of my writing on various sites where I have been published, from Thought Catalog to Two Drops of Ink: A Literary Blog,, and more.

Insights around my writing journey, personal growth, and motherhood (and sometimes the intersection of all three).

Latest Blog Posts

Self-publishing on Amazon KDP: 6 Lessons 

Back in March, I self-published my first novel. It has been an exciting journey, and I thought I would share some lessons learned about the whole process of self-publishing using Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (or “Amazon KDP”). Going in, I decided I would keep things as stress-free as possible, understanding that as a first-time self-published...

A letter to my Impostor Syndrome

Dear Impostor Syndrome, While I know you’re always lurking, I appreciate that most of the time my cheerleader voice is louder than yours. You might be frustrated that despite your insistence to stick around, I refuse to let you interfere in all the things I set out to do. Fair, I suppose. I’m frustrated that...

Advance Reader Copy: The magic of ARCs

I remember when I first came across the term “ARC”, short for “Advance Reader Copy”. It sounded like a promise and a responsibility, but more importantly, a badge of honor – and proof that you weren’t a bystander, a mere spectator. You had a toe in the backstage waters.  What’s the difference between being a...

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